About Christine

Christine started practicing yoga 12 years ago in a Hot Yoga studio in Surrey.

“When I first tried it, I just fell in love,” she says. “This is the perfect combination of truly centred yoga and a whole-body athletic workout”

She went on to complete her teacher training in a hot studio in Surrey before moving to Devon. 

Keen to continue her Hot Yoga and not able to find a hot studio anywhere close by, she and her husband decided to restore one of the old farm buildings into a purpose-built studio on their farm.

Rebuilt entirely from reclaimed and sustainable materials, the yoga studio sits in a wooden cabin on the bank of a small stream draining from East Hill. The addition of eight infra-red heaters bring the studio up to around 33 °C allowing for a more intense experience.

“The heat allows you to increase your range of motion and stretch deeper with each pose,” explains Christine. “This allows everyone, from the complete beginner to the experienced yogi to get the best out of themselves in the class”

“The peaceful tranquillity of the location enables us focus on gaining the most out of your hot yoga sessions.”